Thursday 27 September 2012

Singapore: Part 3

We met up with Cheyanne, Ricky and Leah for dinner before heading back to Leah's house. Like we said before the food in Singapore is awesome, they have the best of everywhere in the world, and pretty much anything is available, often right next to each other in food courts. We had Best Fries Forever, simply fries with delicious sauces after a full dinner. So good. Alas, it was time to say good bye to Singapore and head over to Cambodia for the rest of the trip before returning briefly on the way back to Sydney.

I thought there were no pick pockets in Singapore

Caught you red handed SV

Eating seaweed nude (the only way to eat it really)

Getting advice from Auntie Leah

Distracted by seaweed SV stands nude in the kitchen

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