Saturday 28 September 2013

Drawing with water

SV likes to sit at her little table and work on her art projects. This time she is working with her water pen which reveals a drawing under a white piece of paper. She worked on this for a while before she went off to bed.

Friday 27 September 2013

In bed with Grandma CeCe

As of late SV has been enjoying a cuddle in bed and Grandma CeCe was more than happy to oblige her. It was a win win situation for everyone.

Thursday 26 September 2013

New playground equipment

By now the long time readers will start to recognise all of the parks in our neighbourhood. Here is one that we visit only when we ride the bicycle. SV enjoys the variety of equipment she is exposed to and gets to play with. She usually finds something different and new to do on it.

On the bus

SV and TV have a special guest on the bus to school today. Poppy joined them for a fun morning.

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Sun glasses revisited

SV used to really like wearing her sunglasses, but then she went through a period when she absolutely hated wearing them. It seems that just in time for summer she has happily embraced them again. Of course sun glasses aren't the only thing she embraces these days. She is happy to hug her toys and her family too.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Sleeping with KT and wrestling with TV

SV is starting to realise that she can do some activities with one of us and some activities with the other. Case in point, KT is much better at taking naps and drawing, while TV is better at wrestling and rough housing.

Monday 23 September 2013

Celebrating a new strategy

TV and SV went to celebrate the release of the Sydney City Centre Access Strategy at a local pub, The Lord Nelson. SV got to play with a bunch of toys and eat some chips while TV got to socialise with his work mates. On the way back SV was happy to go panda and pick up leaves before her favourite meal, sushi! This time it was super amazing delicious sushi bus picnic.

Sunday 22 September 2013

Small family outing

All three of us went to the park for a bit of a play because it was just such a nice day. SV had a great time, although she started to be a bit apprehensive about walking on platforms. We aren't sure what that's about though.