Saturday 28 May 2022

Back on the horse farm

 We had an opportunity to go back to the horse farm and we were all very excited by it. When we got there the first thing the girls wanted to do was set up Setsuna's home and see the other little animals. Michael had been quite busy and there were quite a few more new animals in the stalls. The piglets got much bigger and there were new chickens. The most unusual addition was the echidna though. The girls still loved the pen with the quails who now lived with two new bunnies.

Friday 27 May 2022

Walking back from the sea

 After a heart y snack and some photographs of the spectacular scenery we were ready to walk back. The walk back was almost entirely uphill but there were no complaints from anyone. We had a bit of a distraction with a small shower which meant the ponchos came out. At the end all three girls were still happy and held hands for the last several hundred metres.

Thursday 26 May 2022

Bush walk to the sea

 TV took the girls for a bit of a drive and they eventually found an interesting bushwalk. Actually the walk itself was only interesting because there were two stream crossings and a whole bunch of puddles to jump over and walk around. In one of them we even saw little frogs and tadpoles. The really interesting part of the walk was when we got down to the ocean and we could see the spectacular cliffs. One of the rock formations is called Eagle Rock, and we must say it's for good reason. Since the view was so great we decided to have a little break and eat some of our snacks, which we certainly earned after a 4.5 kilometre walk.

Wednesday 25 May 2022

Japanese ice cream making

 EV and KT got an mini ice cream kit from a Japanese shop and decided to make the tiny desserts. They had to do a bit of mixing, sculpting and decorating before they could enjoy their treats. EV had fun making the ice creams and was quite happy with the end result.

Tuesday 24 May 2022

Tired kids

 We're not quite sure what happened, but perhaps all of the excitement of the last few weeks made the girls tired. We were driving somewhere and 2 out of 3 fell asleep, with the third nodding off but not quite asleep. 

Monday 23 May 2022

Personalised snacks

 Since each box of snacks has their name on it they can't argue. Or take each others snacks without asking first.

Sunday 22 May 2022

Last of her gifts

 MV opened the last of her gifts from Babicka. She tried on all of the clothes but all three girls liked the matching jumpers the most. In fact they all chose to wear them the following morning for breaky.