Saturday 10 November 2012

Baby Paul Revere

First off happy 10/11/12 day!

In the first photograph SV looks like a little American revolution era kid blowing a flute warning that the British are coming. Or at least that's what we thought of when we saw her like that.

In the second photograph she insisted on carrying the shopping bag even though it was as big as she was while TV carried her down the stairs. Of course as soon as she had the chance to walk she dropped the bag and was off.

Friday 9 November 2012

Another successful dinner

TV made some tasty chicken paprikas with haluski and a green salad which SV absolutely demolished. She even ate it with gusto the following day. It is always fun to see her eat heartily like this as she has been a bit difficult sometimes.

Thursday 8 November 2012

Opening more presents

SV just keeps getting more presents from people. This batch is from Becca and Brandon McDowell. She will be a street tough with this get up. Thank you guys!

Where's Waldo?

Hmm, stickers egh?

Hard rocking Pink Floyd fan

Every baby should sport a mohawk

Little devil jumper with horns

Ugh, these 'stickers' sure are sticky, get it off of me
These flowers and bits are from Grandma Marta for room decorations

Wednesday 7 November 2012

First day of care

These photographs are from the first day that SV was being taken care of other than KT and TV because they both had to work at the same time. Our friend Caroline and her baby Thomas were SV's companions for the day. SV really enjoyed herself, and was a good house guest. The first photographs are before she heads out to Caroline's house in the morning. The second photographs are when we got home after picking SV up. She was in a good mood and had a really good meal, but she was also very happy to just play on her own and enjoy some private time.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

On the phone

Shh, SV is on the phone. This little kid has taken mobile technology on with a vengeance, even when in a laundry basket. Not sure how she got there by the way. The funny thing is that she has been hanging out with KT a lot and so instead of picking up the phone to her ear like most little kids, she picks it up and tries to send a text message, chat or email. Truly a child of the mobile internet age.

Presidential vote

SV wants YOU to vote today!

Monday 5 November 2012

Baby bear

No hippie psychedelic colours involved this time, just a cute baby bear. Before heading out SV tried on and quite liked her new bear outfit. At the shops she found a soft friend to play with, however we did not let her take her friend home.

Sunday 4 November 2012

Baby pool shark strikes again

With KT back at work TV and SV had the day all to themselves. So the water loving creatures they are, they went to the pool. SV spent over 20 minutes in the water walking on the steps and swimming. She really enjoyed it and didn't mind at all being dunked underwater. She just came right back up blinked the water out of her eyes and kept on swimming without so much as a splutter.