Saturday 27 February 2016

Visiting an almond factory

First we visited with Papi before going to the almond factory. Papi and SV got to watch one of their favourite music videos. At first we weren't terribly sure about the almond factory but then we saw a rather educational video and started browsing through the shop, including partaking in some of the samples. We had fun but we wished that there could have been some sort of tour of the facilities.

Friday 26 February 2016

Funderland continued

Here are some more photographs of SV riding around on the various rides. Her favourite was the one that spun in a circle very was and she tried to get everyone to go on it with her.

Thursday 25 February 2016


We all met up in Funderland which is a great little amusement park for little kids. SV was really excited to ride all of the rides. She wasn't shy at all. MV got to have a treat as well and really enjoyed watching her big sister ride. It wasn't terribly busy so SV got through of all of the rides and more.

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Fairytale Town

SV got to go to Fairytale Town just like KT when she was her age. She had heaps of fun since the entire place is designed for kids her age. Her favourite was the crooked mile and the owls house and slide. Maybe the lady who lived in a shoes.

Tuesday 23 February 2016

A couple of phone photographs

We are waiting for the shops to open and TV decided to take some photographs.

Skiing continued

We managed to ski until 11:30 having gone up to the middle of the mountain to challenge SV a little bit more. She did great, especially considering we had already been skiing for over an hour and a half. After a good lunch where we all relaxed a bit we headed back out. Eventually SV worked herself up to go to the top of the mountain and skied all the way down. We were very proud of her.

Monday 22 February 2016

On the way to skiing

TV and SV picked up Babicka and headed up to the slopes for a bit of skiing. It was SV's second real day on the slopes and she really enjoyed it. She was quite keen and got her ski legs quite quickly. We had to stop and make a snowman of course, but we also made a snowwoman as well.