Saturday 22 June 2024

Sacramento science museum with the cousins

 KT took the girls to the science museum in Sacramento and they were joined by their cousins. They had a good time especially in the parts where they got to build things. They also had a fun breakfast for lunch.


Friday 21 June 2024

Back in Sacramento

 When we got back to Sacramento, Uncle Mark and his family arrived as well. The girls got lots of time to play with their cousins various places. We also quite enjoyed the spring weather and all of the flowers, although not as much the allergies.

Thursday 20 June 2024

Walking through Bario Gothico

We walked through Bario Gothico which has now become quite nice with heaps of little shops. We stopped into some of them which were great. We also found a site where Roman graves were unearthed. It was a nice and relaxing way to wrap up our Barcelona trip.

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Playground at the smoke stacks

 We made our way to a playground which was located near an old power station and the girls had a great time playing. Gave us a chance to have a bit of a rest too. After a nice play we all walked through some of the older parts of Barcelona. We walked by a bar that KT and TV went to with friends when they last visited. We also visited a great staionary store which we enjoyed before being creeped out by the eyes building.

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Gracia and the metro

 We walked through Gracia again as there were a few more places we wanted to visit. We came across a groupd of people doing syncronised stretching which was interesting to observe. After that we walked to the metro where we ended up catching quite a nice train towards the harbour.

Monday 17 June 2024

Barcelona's food markets

 We wanted to show the girls the markets in Barcelona which were quite vibrant and fun with all of the produce on display. We ended up going to two and they have changed, gentrified even. They are very nice but a bit too proper and clean. Some of the grit has been lost. We enjoyed walking through the markets nonetheless and the girls of course got some snacks to try.

Sunday 16 June 2024

Walking down Las Ramblas

 We finally managed to get to Las Ramblas and we walked the full length of it. We were quite surprised how much Las Ramblas has been cleaned up. There were fwer busers and it felt like dodgy characters as well. We were still very vigilant but it felt quite safe as there was also a large police presence. Regardless the walk down to the harbour was pleasant and we ended up at the column with Columbus at the top. We also looked at the water and by then the girls were quite hungry so they got a snack dinner.