Saturday 22 November 2014

Inside play at Harriet's

We went for a visit to see Vanessa, Matt, Harriet and Angus. The three kids played very well together with some supervision. The adults got a chance to catch up too though which was nice. It was great to see that SV was acting really nicely towards Angus, helping him out for the most part rather than bullying him. After an early disagreement SV also played very nicely with Harriet. They had lunch at their own little table where they had a good conversation, and seemed to enjoy themselves.

Friday 21 November 2014

Bad focus

SV says, 'If you are going to point that camera at me all the time at least get the focus right!' (Not actually what she said).

Thursday 20 November 2014

First tomato

After tending her little garden SV was rewarded with her very first produce, a lovely little tomato which was (apparently) as sweet as a lolly. It disappeared in an instant.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Tuesday 18 November 2014


We've said it before and it still holds true that the packaging can be just as much fun as what's inside. SV certainly thought so with this envelope which she wore for quite a while.

Monday 17 November 2014

Playing in the park

After school TV took SV to the park next to her school to burn off some excess energy before getting dinner. She really enjoyed playing on the swing, trying out all sorts of manoeuvres. Afterwards she tried her hand at running her own restaurant from under the slide. She didn't get much business so we headed out to get some real food. Before dinner SV managed to put together a number of puzzles which are quickly becoming a favourite pastime for her.

Sunday 16 November 2014

Advances in watercolours

SV is making progress with her watercolour skills. She is now painting more complex patterns and even mixing colours a little bit. She is even willing to paint over areas she has already painted to create layers.