Saturday 22 April 2017

Olympic Park park

We took the girls to a park at Olympic Park which has a great area to ride bikes and play. SV was certainly challenged by the ropes and various places to climb. MV also found a way to challenge herself as well. She was climbing up the slide and all over the place as well.Lunch gave them a bit more energy to run around before we headed home.

Friday 21 April 2017

SV's library

SV created a library in the morning and invited all of us to come and have a look at her books. She was quite proud of her work and ensured that the library stayed quiet.

Thursday 20 April 2017

Learning road rules and other fun adventures

TV took the girls to Sydney Park to learn about road rules on their chosen vehicle. SV was riding her bike while MV started on the tricycle and moved to the scooter. At first they both rode around the mock streets before heading to the part of the park with the funny paths. SV really improved her cycling while MV had fun learning other things. She is really getting close to being able to ride the scooter.

Wednesday 19 April 2017

SV swimming adventure, now with MV

Sometimes MV is such a silly kid. At SV's swim lesson she was making pretty silly expressions. Meanwhile SV was working on her torpedo and learning the freestyle stroke. After swimming a quick stop to the shops led to climbing all over the toy.

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Almost leaving

The girls got ready to head out fully accessorised. Starting to set trends all of their own.

Monday 17 April 2017

Evening ride

The girls wanted to have a bit of a ride out front on their varied steeds. MV is really copying everything that SV does. SV couldn't quite manage riding her bike uphill so she walked it, and naturally MV got off her horse and did the same.

Sunday 16 April 2017

Easter hat parade

SV was very proud to display her hat in the Easter Hat Parade both in front of her friends and family. She got to walk at the head of her class with her teacher, Miss Healey.

Happy Easter 2017!

All the best for this holiday weekend to everyone! (For those that might be wondering, SV posed like that all by herself)