Saturday 2 June 2012

Hood rat

SV was wearing her red leisure suit the other day as she pursued leisurely activities. At one point she was basking in the warmth of the television (actually our television isn't very warm) which she is rarely allowed to watch.

Friday 1 June 2012

Hooded cobra

Here we have a hooded cobra barring her fangs at us in warning. It appears to be a juvenile specimen because it only has it's lower teeth, but beware as these little ones are the deadliest of all. Whatever you do, don't look into her eyes because you will be smitten!

Thursday 31 May 2012

KT on Aussie TV, again!

See KT in action as she discusses Rhesus Disease with a patient on an Australian medical reality show!

RPA is a popular Australian television show that documents the exciting world of the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital.This episode (Season 18, Episode 1) follows the story of Danielle, a third-time mum who's baby needs an in-utero blood transfusion. They needed an expert to help discuss the procedure with her and they asked her to do it! Squiggle is present in utero as well. KT appears at 57 sec, 8 minutes,  and 10:25 minutes. Watch the whole show if you have time, you can see who she works with. There are a few annoying commercials but consider it a cultural event.

                                                              Watch the episode here!
                                                                          Or Here!                                                                      

Sasha's World Tour: The book

Any one that is interested in seeing the book that Grandma Marta put together with some help from TV and KT, they can click on this link's%20World%20Tour%20Book.pdf

You can save the book and keep it as a PDF file by clicking the above link and right clicking, then selecting "Save as". If you have any problems with that, just let us know.

While you're enjoying see our travels around the globe, remember to also continue writing emails to SV on her very own email address. I'm sure she would enjoy hearing stories of the first time she met each of you, or just important events in your lives. Feel free to write about anything you would like her to know.

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Surprise party

We went to our friend Michaela's surprise birthday party, only to be told that we couldn't stay in the bar because SV was under-aged. Clearly she was not going to be drinking, but despite our best protests we were forced to leave. A number of us ended up leaving, and going to a pub where we ended up waiting for a secondary surprise. SV enjoyed meeting new people and saying hello to some of her other friends before we all called it a night, of course the birthday party continued on to another venue.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Little red riding hood

SV styling in her red hoodie. Apparently she quite enjoys having it on, especially because the weather has started to get chilly.

Monday 28 May 2012

In the park with a blanket

We went to the park because the sun was shining and the weather was great, although the air is decidedly getting that fall crispness to it.

Sunday 27 May 2012

Costco shopping

What a busy weekend it's been. A trip Ikea and Costco! The photograph below shows the first time that SV got to ride in the shopping trolley! She ready liked it, we were a bit surprised actually.

Standing up for her rights

SV is decidedly able to stand up now if she has something to hold on to. She still can't pull herself up on her own, but that's coming. Here she is asserting her freedom from the confines of the cot.