Saturday 21 May 2016

Lawn gnome picnic

We had a small stripey legged lawn gnome join us on our picnic. A small penguin also joined us. We decided to enjoy the balmy fall evening by packing a dinner and having a picnic. It was fantastic to see the sun set while enjoying our meal. It did start to get a bit cool and damp as soon as the sun set though and hence all of the warmer clothing.

Friday 20 May 2016

Red dress twins

We got the two girls matching dresses and they finally had an occasion to both wear them. They each chose slightly different footwear, but they both looked quite cute. By the afternoon though both the dresses came off as the warm day just screamed out for water play.

Thursday 19 May 2016

End the day with hula

In the morning the girls played with each other. A box turned out to be a rather popular toy. In the evening SV finally got to wear her hula girl costume which she got as a reward for good behaviour.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

MV's after party

After a MV nap the work of cleaning everything up began. It went relatively quickly as we knew that the presents waited to be opened. We were all pretty tired but somehow MV managed to continue strong until bed time. It's safe to say that the party was a success, certainly for us. It was a fitting first birthday celebration and a good first party at our new house.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

MV's birthday party wrapping up

Eventually we sang happy birthday to MV as she tried blowing out her candle. In the end SV helped her sister out and we all got to try the cake. MV got to pull the candle off the cake as well and give it a good lick. It was a delicious cake and there really wasn't much left to save back.

Monday 16 May 2016

MV's birthday party continued

The party continued as everyone snacked their way though lunch when the cake finally arrived courtesy of KT's friend. Soon the party games began. All of the kids felt happy to play and explore our house and toys.

Sunday 15 May 2016

MV's first birthday party

The wonderful weather made for a great indoor and outdoor party. SV was in good spirits despite not having her usual morning nap. Having all of the people around was very stimulating for her and she had heaps of fun. SV also enjoyed having her friends around and mostly hung out at the crafts table outside. KT had set it up so that everyone could make paper masks whenever they felt like it. It ended up being quite popular. Someone made a birthday card for MV which she was curious about. A number of Aunties and Uncles stopped by to wish MV a happy birthday as well.