Saturday 28 May 2016

SV's first real bike

SV got a 'new' bike and it just so happened that it had faeries on it. TV did a bit of a clean and lube on it the night before and when SV saw it in the morning it was extremely hard to hold her back. We actually let her have a ride even before breaky. Later on we let her go pick out a new helmet and some accessories. She has been super excited about it. She rode it the long way around to the park too without complaint. She is really learning to ride it quite well.

Friday 27 May 2016

Lamb chops

These two should be the poster children for lamb, especially lamb chops. It is one of the foods that we know they will both enjoy eating on any given night. When we have lamb chops they both have a big meal. Real fair dinkem Aussie kids these two.

Thursday 26 May 2016

Playing together in the backyard

We were having a quiet day doing things around the house. MV and SV kept themselves busy playing together in the backyard. We are really enjoying watching them grow up together, and seeing them becoming friends. They becoming each others companions and genuinely enjoy spending time with each other. That's not to say they don't want alone time sometimes as well though.

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Little baker

SV has started to be interested in baking, so KT has begun to show her how to do some things. SV started to learn to make dough and how to roll it out. A good chef has to know how the dough tastes, so she absolutely had try it.

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Still at the park

After lunch we stayed at the park for a while playing.The girls had heaps of fun. SV enjoys playing with MV after she runs around a bit and burns off some of her excess energy. The swings and slippery dip are still the favourites. The teeter totter has fallen out of favour a bit lately. When we got home they both slept very well.

Monday 23 May 2016

New park by the water

KT found a new park near the water so we had a picnic lunch there. Of course SV and MV wanted to play as well so we stayed for a while. They played for a while before they were ready to eat. SV made a little picnic for herself. They both made a good mess of themselves though.

Sunday 22 May 2016

Eurovision or not

While KT and SV were fascinated with this year's Eurovision final, MV and TV goofed around. To be fair Australia was leading until the very end only to be beaten by Ukraine at the last moment. Oh well, so it goes. SV was quite disappointed though saying she will ask Ukraine to give us the trophy.