Saturday 26 August 2017

Family breakfast at Grandma's

The family came over to Grandma CeCe's house for breaky. It was really good to see everyone again after a bit of a break. MV really enjoyed having fun with Pappi, especially after he offered her a ride around on his scooter. The rest of us got to have a ride in Eric's new car.

Friday 25 August 2017

Getting to Sacramento

We drove up to Sacramento and met up with some well known characters. It didn't take long for the girls to get into the pool and start working on their swimming. All that swimming also led to some good appetites.

Thursday 24 August 2017

Landing and visiting the Brezulas

Babicka picked us up from the airport and we headed to Castro Valley to see the Brezulas. It was a great visit and we were very glad to have an opportunity to see them again. Auntie Edina got bubble blowers for the girls which absolutely thrilled them and ensured that their behaviour was really good. Both MV and SV had a blast and enjoyed being social despite being quite tired from the flight.

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Heading to the US again

We are again heading off to the US for a visit. This time our usual lounge was full and so we went to another one which was excellent. It was a really relaxing way to start the trip after we had a tough week of being quite sick. Once on the plane we got quite comfortable and we had a good flight.

Tuesday 22 August 2017

Sick vs not sick

What a difference in outlook when someone is sick and when they aren't. SV caught a cold from someone and MV was still feeling good. She was enjoying her crazy hair day as well. It was great that she had a good day because by the next day she too succumbed to the illness and was even more grouchy than SV.

Monday 21 August 2017

Super baby and ice queen

Auntie Vanessa gave us a big bag of dress ups which the girls gladly got into. There was a brief scuffle about one of them, but in the end MV ended up with the Supergirl cape and flew around the living room. SV chose the Princess Elsa outfit and started freezing everything.

Sunday 20 August 2017

Sunny Luna Park

Now that we have season tickets for Luna Park, it makes for an easy and fun day out. Obviously the girls enjoy going there and riding the rides. They were both quite happy to run around and enjoy all of the activities. MV especially liked the big slide inside Coney Island. Actually they both had fun inside there. On this trip we let them play the fishing game as they have really wanted to do that for quite some time. Then with an ice cream we finished the day.