Saturday 17 May 2014

Baby Proms Part 2

SV was absolutely captivated with the introduction to Mozart show. She really enjoyed the music and dancing. The production was actually really well done with the characters in costume and really interacting with the kids. After the show the musicians came down and let the kids come up and see all of the instruments. SV wasn't shy and went right up to the lady playing the viola and watched her play. She was positively mesmerised. She had a lot of fun it seemed, she didn't even miss us during the performance even though we were sitting away from her.

Friday 16 May 2014

Baby Proms Part 1

Baby Proms is a series of musical performances put on at the Sydney Opera House for kids. There are programs aimed at different age groups. We took SV to an introduction to Mozart, but more on that later.
These photographs are of us on our way to the Opera House with SV getting excited even before we got there. She knew she was in for a treat and that she would get to catch up with her friends Ashton and Sophia as a bonus. She couldn't wait to get there and was a bit disappointed when KT stopped in for a coffee. Of course once we got there she was really excited to see everyone and couldn't wait to get in to see the show.

Thursday 15 May 2014

Baby in the boot

Sometimes it's just easiest to put SV in the car boot. The thing is she just keeps popping out. After eventually changing her nappy we had lunch at a 'Mexican' restaurant, actually it wasn't too bad although far from authentic. We had fun with even bear getting into the party atmosphere, although SV didn't really approve. She did approve of ice cream though, and wasn't even concerned about the graffiti she did on the road.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

The Dolphin Barnney

SV was wearing one of her Korean made outfits we purchased in Singapore to the beach. We really liked the outfit because it made no sense, and SV liked it because it had a pocket where she could put stuff including sand from the beach.

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Evening on the beach

The nice thing about the beaches in far northern Queensland is that the water is quite warm and it's very pleasant to be in the surf even in the evenings. We had a blast running through the gentle waves and taking photographs. The warm water was a fun change from what we are generally more used to.

Monday 12 May 2014

Sunday markets

There was very little we actually wanted to do while at Port Douglas, but going to the Sunday Markets was one of the things we actually wanted to do. It was a rather warm day so we tried to stay in the shade as much as possible and yet we still got very tired. We had some success finding a few gifts for people and getting a snack. It was nice to go, but even nicer just to sit and watch people and the ocean.

Happy Mother's Day 2014

Hope you all have a wonderful day and you get to do something sweet!

Sunday 11 May 2014

First full day in Port Douglas

Port Douglas doesn't have heaps to do which suited us just fine. We had a leisurely day of going to the beach and the look out. SV had a lot of fun on the beach especially because the water was warm and the sun wasn't too hot. She had a lot of energy as she walked to the lookout all on her own.

When we went to the grocery store SV spotted the cut out and got excited. She really likes getting her photograph taken at these which works great for us because we do too. After her nap she felt quite cheeky and climbed on top of the table where she took a number of self portraits.