Saturday 14 June 2008

KT's Hatchday!

Last week KT had her big birthday evening. First we, including some of our friends, went to Govinda's for an Indian vegetarian buffet. We were going to stick around for the movie which they show after, but we took too long eating. They have nice couches that a person can recline on and watch a movie on a big screen, we will definitely go back another time. After dinner instead of the movie, we decided to go to Kings Cross for some upscale cocktails, we found them in the form of cocktails being served in tea kettles. While interesting, it was not the most conducive atmosphere for talking as the DJ was playing music too loud. So what better place to go than sing karaoke, right? Of course, we then moved on to karaoke where we all got into the fun and sang brilliantly, well it seemed like it. After an extra long session of karaoke KT wanted to go dancing so we were off to one of the bars with music we discovered only the night before. It turned out to be a night jam packed of fun activities, we started at 17:30 and didn't get home until 2:30. A very fun night, with everyone having a good time, most of all the birthday girl.

Tuesday 10 June 2008

Celeb. Sighting

Last Night we were having a nice walk through downtown before dinner, when we saw a bunch of people standing around. We decided to walk over to see what the big deal was. There was Jack Black at the opening of that Panda movie, don't remember the name of it. He jumped over the barrier into the street to do some goofy martial arts moves before going in for more pictures. It was really random, and funny. Unfortunately we didn't get close enough for a decent photo, but it's fine. We wonder who we will run into next, will it be you?

Monday 9 June 2008