Saturday 4 April 2020

Baby backpacker

As soon as EV woke up she picked out this outfit and came downstairs. She was then quite keen to put on her backpack and walk around. It was quite cute, especially wih her sleepy hair.

Friday 3 April 2020

Under the microscope

Under the microscope we had a bee, a leaf and blood. KT helped set everything up, but then the girls worked the microscope with only a bit of help. They were interested in all of the things, although the bee proved to be the most exciting. The eye, wings and stingers captivating them the most.

Thursday 2 April 2020

KT taking a rest

KT went to have a short rest. Didn't quite start out terribly restful, but everyone ended up relaxing and having a bit of a rest. Possibly less so KT.

Wednesday 1 April 2020

Family cycling

As the country and the world are heading into lockdown, we went out for what could possibly be our last chance for a bike ride. It was a stunning day and after some initial hesitation, we all got going. It was EV's first time in the seat and she really enjoyed it. SV worked on shifting gears while MV improved her balance and control. It was a fun outing and everyone was nice and tired at the end of it.

Tuesday 31 March 2020

Playing doctor

SV was playing doctor. She had her badge and kit as she answered her tiny phone. She then got her cow shooter to fight off the coronavirus. She is keen to help people out during these tough times.

Monday 30 March 2020

EV maturing

EV is now riding the scooter. She also seems to enjoy wearing a helmet, although not quite as much as drawing. Sometimes she doesn't quite have the pen correctly, but she doesn't like to be told how to do it.

Sunday 29 March 2020

EV's first digital game

This is the first time EV actually played a game digitally. SV showed her how to do it. They then had a quick snack, but EV got a bit bored and started doing her own yoga.