Saturday 12 October 2024

Heading to Euro Disney

 Our friends got us free tickets to Euro Disney so we took the train out there for a visit. It took quite a long time to get into the park and get our tickets sorted, but once in it was fine. One of the first things we did was to walk through the heart of the park and to the Pirates of the Carribean ride. It was well worth it as there was hardly a queue and we really enjoyed the ride. It set us up well for the rest of the day. 

Friday 11 October 2024

Catching up with Auntie Bambi

 We made our way to the Parc des Buttes-Chaumont but just before we got there we stopped at a little neighbourhood place for lunch. It was really tasty and we enjoyed it. We then headed to the park where the girls found a steep hill down which they ran and rolled. We then ended up going to the playground where we met up with Auntie Bambi and her partner. After exploring the park for a while it unfortunately started raining so we headed to our house to chat and spend some more time together. It was so good to talk and catch up again. We know we have been saying that a lot lately, but it really has been lovely seeing friends all over the world.

Thursday 10 October 2024

Finishing our walking tour of Paris

 We nded up walking back towards Notre Dame where we said good bye to our friends and headed to dinner which ended up being near an Australian pub. Along the way we had a very nice walk and even stopped to introduce our friends to geocaching. It was a really nice day and we ended up walking about 12kms, so dinner was certainly well earned.

Wednesday 9 October 2024

Eiffel Tower and the Seine

 After lunch we made our way to the Eiffel Tower and took some photographs near it. The set up for the summer Olympics was underway so the lovely lawn was fenced off for construction. We all enjoyed seeing the tower but EV got upset and cried a bit. Eventually she resolved what was bothering her and we wandered to the Seine to have another look at the tower from a different perspective. 

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Walking through Paris

 Our friends took us on a bit of a walking tour of Paris before we stopped for lunch. We walked by the Hôtel des Invalides where Napoleon is burried before we continued our way towards the Eiffel Tower. We stopped at a nice little restaurant with tables outside and enjoyed a relaxed lunch. The girls somehow managed to paint their faces in the process. 

Monday 7 October 2024

Riding ponies in the Jardin du Luxembourg

 When we met up with our friends the girls wanted to go for a ride on the ponies. We relented and they all got to go except for SV who was too big. She didn't mind too much though, EV on the other hand was quite annoyed because she didn't get to ride the horse she wanted. By the end of the ride she really liked her pony with the help of some encouraging words from MV. SV was going to go to a playground with the two boys, but they found that they would have to each pay to enter the playground and opted against it. It was certainly quite a memorable experience for the girls though.