Saturday 26 August 2023

Stuff animal round up

 The girls pulled out all of the stuffed animals they have and put them in one place. They then hid amongst them, can you find all three kids? They ended up giving away two large bags of them to their school as a fundraiser and subsequent donation. Only EV was sad about it, the older two were actually happy to move them on. They still have more than enough to make a bed out of them or to fill 5 big boxes.

Friday 25 August 2023

Dreamy picnic

 We had an evening picnic by the harbour. It was quite dark though and because of the lack of light it all felt a bit dreamy. The camera must of felt that mood too as the photographs turned out that way too. The girls enjoyed watching the ferries come and go amongst the city lights. They even managed to play for a little bit in the park after we finished eating. Although it got a bit cold so we soon headed home for a warm bath and bed.

Thursday 24 August 2023

Waiting swimmers

 We were waiting for SV to finish her swimming lessons, so the little ones got into the pool for a play. All of the bigger pools were busy with lessons but they still had a good time playing in the water. It also meant that all three of them ended up having quite a good appetite for dinner and were ready to sleep afterwards.

Wednesday 23 August 2023

TV and EV go to Gymbaroo

 TV had another chance to take EV to gymbaroo and watch her work on her physicality. They had a great time as EV demonstrated excellent control of her body. 

Tuesday 22 August 2023

EV at the newly opened park

 EV went to a park that has newly been reopened after it has been refurbished. It is a small park but the council did a really nice job with the new layout and equipment. EV had a lot of fun and took advantage of all the components. 

Monday 21 August 2023

Riding to the park again

 We rode our bikes to Bicentennial Park so that the girls could get a bit of a run around. They climbed to the highest points of the park and enjoyed sliding down wherever they could. They needed a bit of a pick me up though, luckily TV brought some snacks for just such an occasion. 

Sunday 20 August 2023

Biking around the bay

 TV took MV and EV on a ride around the bay. Turned out to be good fun without too many people as the threat of rain seemed to keep quite a few punters at home. We enjoyed a nice ride around though and EV really liked being on the back of the big bike and having to do a bit of peddling herself.