The photo slideshow is a new format we are trying out for the next couple of sets of photos. This is because we have so many photos to share with everyone but we don't want to take up the whole page with them all.
Let us know how you like this format. Also note the changes we are making to the site as noted on the right.
So these some of the photos we took during our trip to Singapore. First we need to give a big thank you to Leah and her family for letting us stay with them and for acting as our tour guides. A second shout out goes to Cheyenne for being a good tour guide as well.
These photos do not include our trip to Malaysia, the zoo or any of the F1 photos which will all come later. Please enjoy the slideshow. Some of the highlights include eating durrian, BBQ stingray, coffee in a can, tea in a bag, and many many other tasty things. In fact most the photos have something to do with food or shopping, as those are the two national pastimes. Other highlights include us sweating profusely in most the photos, we also took photos of some signs that were pretty funny including "yu kee food house". We had fun going out clubbing at different venues as well as visiting a hospital to see Leah's grandma. Leah's family also had us over for a going away party for Leah's cousin where he had hot pot lunch, sang karaoke, watched mah jong gambling and played some Street Fighter. Overall an excellent trip!
If there are any questions don't hesitate to ask.
PS. Bonus points for the first person who can identify all the songs used in the slideshow.