Saturday 29 September 2018

First time shopper

EV has been sleeping pretty well, but nonetheless we took her to the shops so that KT could get some extra sleep. EV ended up sleeping the entire trip anyway due to the gentle rocking of the car seat in the trolley. Made it super easy to take all three girls. MV and SV had fun eating lunch out and being able to play on the apparatus.

Friday 28 September 2018

Father's day with three

MV and SV both made some fantastic presents for TV. He really enjoyed the attention and having all of his girls there. It was really special to have EV home for father's day.

Thursday 27 September 2018

EV's first day home

MV and SV couldn't stay away from EV on her first day at home. They were very excited to show her all of her new toys and get her to try some of them out. They also enjoyed just being near her and giving her some cuddles.

Wednesday 26 September 2018

EV going home

On her second day EV got to come home with us all. It always takes a while to get discharged from hospital so the girls used some paper bags to make puppets. Eventually we left after a number of good byes and a couple of photographs. EV slept through the entire thing and in fact even once we got home. Successful journey home for sure.

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Punky baby

Not sure where this kid gets it from but we have our suspicions. It seems that TV and Babicka may have had something to do with that hair style. Doesn't much bother EV though as she had several great sleeps.

Monday 24 September 2018

Family of five

First time as a family of five. Everyone still basking in the glow of our new addition.

Sunday 23 September 2018

Post bath massage

EV was relaxed under the heat lamps and quite enjoyed her massage. Seeing her relaxed and warm like that made her irresistible to kiss and cuddle. While EV got more cuddles the two girls found other things to figure out as well. To their credit they did manage to use the scale properly together. Eventually it was time to head back to the room though.