Saturday 27 June 2020

Calm and not

While MV was calmly drawing in the kitchen EV was decidedly not calm. She was rather upset at having to wear a dress. Made her rather angry and she made sure we knew.

Friday 26 June 2020

Early maths lesson

When the girls came downstairs they went straight to the board to have a maths lesson. They worked on times tables. EV was not terribly interested, she was more interested in having breakfast. MV and SV worked diligently and got all the way through their 12 times table.

Thursday 25 June 2020

Her ladyship and playdoh

Her ladyship deemed to play with the playdoh. She did so quite successfully, keeping herself busy while we cleaned the house and took care of other chores.

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Rollin' on the floor

EV and MV thought it would be fun to roll around on the floor. We were a bit surprised as the floor was not only hard, but also quite cold. Oh well, they had fun.

Tuesday 23 June 2020

Borrowing shoes from MV

EV has so many new shoes but she still insists on borrowing shoes from MV. In fact she borrows shoes from everyone. Luckily we don't mind, least of whom MV who is now completely used to the fact.

Monday 22 June 2020

Talking on the laptop

KT was talking to family on the laptop and while she tried to focus on the conversation she had a constant stream of visitors popping in for a cuddle. MV popped in too but she also packed her bag just in case she had to run out with a few toys to see a friend or something.

Sunday 21 June 2020

At the park with no friend

We went to the park again since it was a nice morning. MV's friend didn't come with us though. The girls still had lots of fun though. MV did her own make up before hand and felt very confident the whole day.