Saturday 25 April 2015

Jude's barbecue

We were invited to KT's friend's barbecue which was being held as a fund raiser for her son who has  CF. It was fun with SV making new friends as usual. She finally got to use her fairy dust which she really liked.

Friday 24 April 2015

Easter package

We received another package with Easter gifts. We were all excited but SV couldn't wait.  She got into it after asking permission. She enjoyed all of her presents as did we. Thank you for your gifts.

Thursday 23 April 2015

Still skating

SV made really good progress. She started doing some pretty advanced moves pretty quickly. We ended up skating for almost two hours with a couple of quick snack breaks. By the end she was able to walk on the ice and glide a little ways. Not too shabby. TV and KT both had fun watching her learn and gain confidence.

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Ice skating

Babicka sent SV some ice skates and we have been waiting for a good time to take her. We finally managed to go during a time which didn't conflict with her nap. All three of us were pretty excited. Once she saw the ice SV couldn't stop smilling. It was a lot of fun.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Silly traveler

Where did the kid go? Oh, she's in the luggage again. We think it may be time for another trip. She is going through withdrawals.

Monday 20 April 2015

At the park again

We again visited our nearby park for a bit of fun.  SV had her voice of which mode she wanted to take and she again chose the balance bike. She is getting the hang of it and pretty soon she will be ready for a real bike. She is also getting close to mastering the fireman pole at the park.

Sunday 19 April 2015

Painting eggs

SV got the ball rolling on painting the Easter eggs but pretty soon the entire family got involved. We all had fun and the results were not too bad.  We even used stickers on some of the eggs.