Saturday 24 September 2016

Mass with the Pope

Since we were at the Vatican on a Sunday we decided to go to the Papal address in St Marco's Square. It was quite a spectacle and a bit of fun to see the Pope speak. As a catholic, it was a fantastic thing for Nagymama to do. She really enjoyed it. The kids had fun too but doing different things. MV probably mostly just enjoyed the walk there and back.

Friday 23 September 2016

Roma morning

We had a fantastic morning with Nagymama looking out the window and just hanging out in her room. Since everyone else was still asleep we even had a great breaky on the balcony overlooking the street and St Peter's. It was a really nice way to start our Roman morning.

Thursday 22 September 2016

St Peter's Basilica

In the afternoon we went to see St Peter's Basilica which Nagymama really wanted to see. After going through the dubious security we took some photographs overlooking the piazza. Then we made our way in and we were awed. It was quite a fun visit actually.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Musei Vaticani continued

We continued through the museum but the sheer number of artifacts made it rather overwhelming. The museum could do with a more tightly currated collection which could be displayed more clearly. Nonetheless some things are still absolutely stunning, not the least of which is the Sistine Chapel. We quite enjoyed the corridors leading to and from the chapel as well though. One thing that MV didn't enjoy was the statue of the baby laying down rather awkwardly, perhaps she could identify. SV of course got the big trophy for her amazing perseverance. 

Tuesday 20 September 2016

Musei Vaticani

With a new day we had a new sight to see. We went for a visit at the Musei Vaticani. We were running a bit late and though we had to hurry which left us rather hot when we finally got there and in need of a break. There were heaps of neat things to see and SV really enjoyed the Egyptian displays. The museum has some really nice spaces and some interesting artifacts.

Monday 19 September 2016

The Spanish Steps

The Spanish Steps were the last thing to see for the day as we were getting tired and hot. They were quite nice especially since they are almost done being restored. After a few photographs and grabbing lunch we headed back to the hotel for a rest. SV and Nagymama played together for quite a while before SV woke up and joined in. In the evening Auntie Jeanna entertained the two kids with her fancy phone program (snapchat) and all of the silly filters. They were all laughing very hard.

Sunday 18 September 2016

Fontana di Trevi

After the Pantheon we walked to the Fontana di Trevi. Along the way we went through some of the small back streets and stumbled on to random things like the Pinochio cut out and massive Roman columns. SV generally likes giving street artists a bit of money and this guy captivated her attention although despite his thumbs up she was quite reluctant to take a photograph with him. Once we reached the fountain we had to take plenty of photographs of course and toss a few coins in as well.