Saturday 23 March 2013

Beach walk

The two ladies enjoyed a stroll along the beach until SV realised there was water at which point she ran right in.

Friday 22 March 2013


KT and SV having a laugh at the beach in the Gold Coast after SV devoured a tangerine.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Uncle Rich

SV got to see Uncle Rich and play with him for a bit as he came up from Santa Cruz. He is looking a bit like dirty Uncle Rich at the moment but SV didn't mind as she showed him some of her latest work. At the moment she is working with the paper and pen medium, although word on the street is that she may be moving on to watercolours when she stays with Grandma CeCe.

Mouthful in the park


Due to the trip that KT and SV are on the following posts 21 March to 30 March are mostly film photographs from previous weeks. They are still new photographs to this website but they are not entirely contemporary.

SV was enjoying a snack in the park which ended up her stuffing an entire bar into her mouth at once.

Wednesday 20 March 2013


SV hasn't really grown up with animals in the house other than he fishies. However, whenever she sees dogs or cats she really likes them but keeps a healthy distance which we encourage. These dogs and cats though she was allowed to pat and play with, and she absolutely enjoyed it. Her eyes lit up when she saw them and even gave them a gentle hug.

At the Marly

We went out to dinner at the Marly Bar in Newtown before KT got her hairs cut. We had a quick dinner, but we forgot to bring a booster kid and the pub didn't have any high chairs. SV had to sit in a chair like a big kid, which she did just fine. She made a bit of a mess, but not too bad. TV wanted to take some photographs of her, but it was really quite dark in there. However, with some quick thinking a mobile phone flash turned into that little bit of extra light that was needed to make the photographs below.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Office help

It's hard to find good office help these days, but it seems that Babka Marta has found a good little helper. She can even multi-task on the calculator, laptop and writing up invoices.

Play house structure

SV has now worked herself up to playing in the house structure tat the playground. She likes to climb up the slide then go up the step into the structure. Dance around in there for a bit before asking for help to slide down the fireman pole. Sometimes she even gets TV to go up and sit in the house with her.

Making  her fish face

Monday 18 March 2013

Playing in the cot

In the morning SV likes to wake up at a leisurely pace much like KT. Often she will lay in her bed sing to herself or pull a toy from the bin next to her bed to play with. This time she wanted the entire toy bin with her so she could pick and choose.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Boating safety

Captain SV has a number of rules about boating safety.
1) Wear a life vest
2) Stay hydrated
3) Have fun!

Country girl outfit

KT dressed SV up as a bit of a hayseed in overalls and cowgirl boots. SV wasn't too impressed and tried to change her look a bit with a bunny hat. When that didn't work, she ran off.