Saturday 11 May 2013

Pub crawl

SV took part in her very first pub crawl in Newtown. It was the birthday of one of TV's friends, Rebecca, and she organised a pub crawl. SV only stayed for three pubs, but was joined by two other babies/toddlers. She only imbibed orange juice and water though, although she was still a lot of fun. She played very well by herself and with the other babies. All that pub crawling led to a healthy appetite which SV started satisfying on the way home.

Friday 10 May 2013


SV and TV stopped by at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPA) where KT works to say hi while KT was working. It was also a chance for SV to meet some of mum's co-workers and exhibit her charm. Which she did, charming a mandarin off one of the nurses. In the photographs below she is leaving RPA just before losing her pink and white hair clip.

Thursday 9 May 2013

Sushi dinner

While we were in the city and SV was in a good mood we decided to have dinner at a sushi train restaurant. SV really ate with gusto and was happily entertained by the sushi plates coming by. She also quite liked the strawberry mint milk which we ordered. Although she was ready to go once we finished, getting quite excited at her Slovakian pink coat.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Picnic in Rose Bay

We went to visit Adam in Rose Bay where he moved last week. We had a glorious day of sunshine, although it was a bit brisk when out of the sun. We had a great time visiting with Adam and just sitting and chatting. SV enjoyed listening to the Caribbean music Adam was playing and dancing along, she didn't even run off to play with other kids or the multitude of dogs.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Lolly jar

We have a little cup with sweets in it and SV likes to play with it sometimes, although she rarely wants to eat any of the sweets. She would much rather take them out of the cup and put them into a basket and then back again.

Monday 6 May 2013

Handbags and shoes

Just like her mum, SV likes handbags and shoes. She often goes through our room and pulls out KT's handbags and/or shoes and puts them on. She is especially fond of doing it in the mornings. It is quite smart to get your outfit planned early and not have to think about it later.

Sunday 5 May 2013

Whiteboard Picasso

We have found that if we need to do something like cook dinner, it is a pretty safe bet that if we give SV some sort of surface to draw on and some pens she will be occupied for quite a while. She really enjoys creating her drawings in whatever medium.