We started the trip from Sydney with Jarryd and Chrissy by having lunch in Gouldburn close to the giant sheep which enticed us to pull over and take photos. We were more than happy to oblige and get a better view of it's many glorious chins. We met up with our other friends, Veronica and Matt, before we drove the rest of the way to Jyndabine and our accommodation. We did a bit of shopping and renting of equipment, with TV trying on the Yeti look which seemed to suit well.

The next day we headed for the slopes (Perisher) where it was full on raining and quite windy. It eventually let up for an hour or two before the thunder and lightning moved in and closed the lifts.
The next day we went to another ski field (Thredbo) where the weather was a bit better to start out with, but eventually turned ugly. It started snowing and the wind howled, swinging the chairlifts, but we were not to be dissuaded and we lasted through to the afternoon.
The last day we went back to Perisher hoping for a better day, which it sort of was. We had high winds and snow, but thankfully no lightning or rain. Perisher has an interesting train between two of the lodges that we took.

Eventually we took a warm lunch before finishing out the day and heading home. On the way back KT decided to harass some Bananas in Pajamas before bidding farewell to the mountains.