Saturday 17 July 2021

Rainy walk

 TV took the girls out for a rainy walk. They headed down to the pond to see if the frogs were out, but it was a bit too cold. Along the way the girls stopped to race leaves and jump in puddles. It was funny how quickly they had fun despite being reluctant to leave the house. Once home they all jumped into a hot shower and straight into their pyjamas.

Friday 16 July 2021

Packing up downstairs

 The school holidays were coming to an end so it was time to get ready for school again. To do this we needed to clean up the house as it got quite messy with everyone playing at home for two straight weeks. The reality of a couple of weeks of home schooling meant that we wanted to make sure the space had fewer distractions so everyone could focus as best they could.

Thursday 15 July 2021

Flying in their bedroom

 SV and MV appear to miss travel as they played an imaginative game where they pretended to go on a trip. They packed their bags, made itineraries, made tickets and went on their trip. They must have flown business or first class because they had lay down seats, yikes, high expectations for our next real trip!

Wednesday 14 July 2021

Lego buildings

 We now have a number of lego buildings, enough to make a scene. The girls were keen to play with them and make up their own stories. Each floor of the buildings comes apart and has lots of secrets and other details. The police station was a great source of stories for the girls.

Tuesday 13 July 2021

Daddy's little helper

 EV has been really enjoying spending time with TV and being his little helper. Since it's cold we have been wearing jackets and hats. She tends to have a preference for animal themed hats.

Monday 12 July 2021

Packing away shoes

 MV was asked to pack away the shoes and her first step was to empty out the shoe cupboard and lay them all out. She then got a bit of help from EV before putting all the shoes back neatly. She worked through her process and at the end the shoes were nice and tidy.

Sunday 11 July 2021

EV's spinning dress

 EV is currently enjoying wearing a good spinning dress. SV used to be the same and MV to some extent as well. This day she put this dress on and twirled on the back porch. She wanted us take a photograph as well and we were more than happy to oblige.