Saturday 1 December 2018

Last of the portraits

We also had some great photographs of us as a family and ones with Grandma CeCe too. Naturally some silliness was involved too, particularly when everyone had to do an impression of someone in the group.

Friday 30 November 2018

Portraits of ladies

We had a go at more portraits of the ladies. This time we were more organised and everything went much more smoothly. There were so great photographs of the ladies, including some genuinely funny and sweet moments.

Thursday 29 November 2018

Just plain sweet

Seeing the three girls together like this is just plain sweet. It's also really nice to see EV sleeping so peacefully. She has been really good about letting us get rest and devote some time to her two older sisters as well.

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Jakey's party

Jake's birthday party started the same way and end in the same way, just with different kids. All three of them had a good time, but they all did slightly different things. It was good to see that EV didn't mind a whole bunch of strangers around and she let several people hold her with no complaint. SV and MV didn't have time for that sort of thing though as they ran around the park most of the party.

Tuesday 27 November 2018

All sorts of morning games

In the morning we all sat around the kitchen playing various games. Although EV felt like maybe she wasn't getting quite her fair share of games together.

Monday 26 November 2018

Buddies all around

While TV had cuddles with EV, SV enjoyed wearing KTs hat. She then got to sit with EV and watch a bit of television. They also got to lay down next to each other and spend some tummy time together.

Sunday 25 November 2018

Couple of portraits

We didn't have heaps on, so we decided to take some portraits. The girls were feeling cheeky and somewhat tired. We ended up getting some nice portraits of them and Grandma CeCe.