Saturday 7 March 2015

Pub dinner

KT was at work so TV and SV headed to a local pub for a roast dinner which they didn't have time to make at home. Turned out to be a fortuitous decision as there was a live singer that SV really enjoyed watching and dancing to. They also missed a giant storm which passed as they munched on their dinner.

Friday 6 March 2015

Ashton's birthday continued

At the party SV got to play pass the parcel but she was slightly disappointed to have been passed up twice. Finally she got to unwrap a present and she got a set of chalks which she immediately put to good use. After watching a little boy not share his chalk and throw a tanty instead she was very kind and shared her chalk. Eventually she went moved on to the park and played with the digger before she was completely exhausted and wanted to go home.

Thursday 5 March 2015

Ashton's Birthday party

SV and TV went to Ashton's birthday party and SV wanted to have purple hair. So we put one of her extensions in, but by the start of the party it fell out. Luckily when we got there she got to have her face painted and even get her hair coloured. She didn't even stop at the food table but went straight to get her face painted. After that she was really excited to dance and play. She had fun with some of the toys there.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Harlan and Jess' engagement party

We all went to an engagement party one of TV's coworker. SV just couldn't resist the adjacent playground and consequently she and KT spent most of the time in there while TV socialised. They did come in for the cake and a bit of lunch though. In the end everyone had fun though as KT enjoyed sitting in the shade with the lovely breeze.

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Using scissors

SV is starting to get quite proficient with using scissors. We gave her a magazine and she started cutting out things that she found interesting.

Monday 2 March 2015

Little reader

SV built herself a wall of blocks to create a space for herself to read quietly in the living room. She has made the connection between the letters and words on the page and the story that it tells. She is working quite hard to figure out the meaning of the words so she can start reading on her own. She is really keen to be able to read to herself.

Sunday 1 March 2015

Pink cupcakes

SV and KT made cupcakes together. SV got to pick the colour of the icing which of course was pink. Being considerate, SV made sure the batter was good before proceeding too far. Taste testing is important so she made sure to do it at least twice. She is getting quite good around the kitchen and is even comfortable using a knife.