Saturday 22 December 2012

Cambodia 2012 book

Through the generous gift of our friend Damian we were able to create another book of memories. This latest book shows a more in depth look at our trip to Singapore and Cambodia. Most of the photographs in this book have never been seen before on this website or anywhere before. Please don't hesitate to download the book through the link on the right side of the blog under the heading 'SV Books (To Download)' or via this link: Cambodia 2012

A day in the life...

Here is a snapshot of what SV was doing today. Just her being herself. Enjoy.

Friday 21 December 2012

Long face

SV was focused on a show but was clearly not too pleased with it.

Thursday 20 December 2012

Slovak laptop

SV just got a birthday package from Ivan, Lenka and Patka which she opened with relish. They very generously sent a baby laptop that is similar to the one that Patka has and SV played with when we visited them in Slovakia.

SV really enjoyed both the card and then subsequently the laptop. She now takes it around with her all over the house. The best part is that she is getting to hear Slovak from some one else other than TV and we think it will help her learn the language.

Wednesday 19 December 2012


Jinbei are a traditional Japanese clothes often worn around the house and to bed. When TV was in Japan he was given a Jinbeu set (Thank you Janet) and he in turn bough SV a set. After over a year she is now finally big enough to wear them. SV lounges in her new jinbei during a Sydney heat wave. The second photograph has both characters Jinbein-ing around the house.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Tiny Tots

This is the final instalment of the Thomas and Sasha encounter. For now anyway.

Monday 17 December 2012


Earlier we alluded to how these two characters co-operate, but here is a prime example of how SV helps Thomas get across an obstacle. He then in turn shows her how to throw wood chips, thanks for that kid. It probably would have been ok though if she hadn't learned that skill just yet. Oh well, suppose it's the price of progress.

Sunday 16 December 2012


This was so interesting to see. Both SV and Thomas enjoyed the experience and they both did a surprisingly good job of feeding Thomas.