Saturday 5 December 2020

Nerdy ninja

 Perhaps this nerdy ninja is not exactly what you may have expected. Neither did we. She just pop out from around the corner and surprised us.

Friday 4 December 2020

MV riding on the back of the bike

MV was really excited about riding on the back of the bike. It was quite fun as we rode to her soccer match. Although it ended up being tough work up a couple of the hills despite her peddling valiantly. 

Thursday 3 December 2020

Lunching with the parents

 EV got to go for a walk and a cafe lunch with both KT and TV. She was absolutely thrilled to do so. She enjoyed all of the attention and acted like a big girl, one that plays with water but still, a big girl. Actually she was really good and it was a very nice lunch for all of us.

Wednesday 2 December 2020

EV rides her bike

 EV is getting quite keen on riding her balance bike. She looked for it in the garage and pulled it out to ride it in the backyard. She was then really good and packed it away once she was finished.

Tuesday 1 December 2020

Dropping off her sisters

 EV walked up to drop off her sisters at school before coming home for a a quick breakfast. It was going to be a busy and warm day so a light playsuit was the outfit of the day. There may or may not have been a bit of an argument getting it on, but once on EV was quite happy to wear it.

Monday 30 November 2020

Brunch with EV

The older two kids were at school and we needed to go get a few things so we stopped in for brunch. EV really enjoyed the fresh squeezed orange juice. It ended up being quite a nice lunch.

Sunday 29 November 2020

Different faces in different places

 EV was really enjoying her breakfast and didn't want her face to get wiped. Meanwhile MV and TV went to the movies for a special day. Meanwhile SV went to the physio to check out her arm recovery and to get some exercises to get it moving quickly.