Saturday 12 March 2022

Sick baby soup

 Just to clarify, it's soup for sick babies. Don't get the wrong idea. In any case EV is the sick baby in question and got to have noodle soup for lunch and homemade chicken soup from chicken leftovers for dinner. She was satisfied.

Friday 11 March 2022

Magnet maths

 MV and EV worked on numbers and maths. EV was identifying numbers and giving them to MV who used them to create and solve equations on the fridge. Great teamwork and learning activity which was completely self directed.

Thursday 10 March 2022

EV is back to swimming

 EV is back to the pool but it was not all smooth sailing. In fact it took a fair amount of persuading to get her into the pool and even so there were tears. Eventually Scott managed to improve her attitude for a little bit before she got sad again. Despite herself though she started enjoying herself and had fun. She expended a lot of energy by the end and fell asleep in the car.

Wednesday 9 March 2022

Moving rooms around

 SV is getting to the age where she is sleeping in later and going to bed later while MV and EV are now more aligned. So we decided to swap their rooms around. SV got to pick out a new bed and chose to have a lofted bed with a desk underneath it. We picked it up and started moved everything around. The girls were very excited and took things down and put all sorts of stuff back up in their respective new spaces. EV is now sleeping in the bottom bunk and MV in the top bunk. Each of them had a new bed so it was very exciting.

Tuesday 8 March 2022

EV's drumming

 SV's drum teacher lent her a couple of practice drum pieces and she has been practicing a fair amount. She hasn't been the only one though. EV has taken a bit of a liking to it as well. Could be that she is allowed to make loud noise or could be something else, but she does like it.

Monday 7 March 2022

Sleepover night

We had some of our friends spend the night and they all got to sleep in one room. Before bed though MV got her bedtime story while the other three played. They all ended up going to bed a bit late but had fun doing it.


Sunday 6 March 2022

More from the beach

 After swimming for several hours we decided to go explore the other parts of the beach. Despite coming here fairly regularly, we have never explored the concrete platforms and surrounding rocks. The girls really enjoyed it until SV had a fall and bruised her back. We put an ice pack on it and she felt a bit better. Lunch also helped.