Saturday 1 June 2019

At the movies for MV's 4th

After what felt like a long time we all went inside to watch the Peppa Pig movie. The kids really enjoyed it and were transfixed by it. After the movie the kids played some more and made sure to finish off the pop corn as well. Like a good hostess, MV made sure that everyone got their party bags before they left.

Friday 31 May 2019

MV's 4th birthday party

She got to pick a couple of friends with whom to celebrate. We took them to a movie and they got to play before and after. We got to the theatre just before it opened and so they were very excited and peered under the door waiting for it to open. When they finally did open they all got to play together for a while.

Thursday 30 May 2019

Park birthday

We were invited to a birthday party in the park. It was a new park for us and the girls really enjoyed exploring all the various activities. They also enjoyed all of the veggie snacks before playing some more.

Wednesday 29 May 2019

Exploring a new park

EV had a nap so she was a little bit slower in exploring the park. Eventually all three of them explored in their own ways. The park had lots of activities for different skill levels which was great.

Tuesday 28 May 2019

Body painting

The girls really want to do some face painting with the kit that they got. We agreed and they went in the backyard to have a go. SV painted a butterfly on MV's face and then she did a bunny on her own arm. EV had a nap and missed out this time.

Monday 27 May 2019

Easter egg hunt 2019

It is again that time of year where Setsuna gets to have her time in the sun. She helped the grown up hide eggs and then gave out clues to the kids. Ok, maybe not quite but she certainly did find a good place to hide while the kids looked for eggs.

Sunday 26 May 2019

Orange juice stand

SV has been very keen to set up an orange juice stand. She did a good job of setting everything up with MV helping out too. MV was a good little helper actually and the two of them stayed out there for several hours. EV was helping by pulling weeds in the backyard. Eventually she too came out to have a look, but despite the three of them out there they were not very successful. It was a bit of a shame but they will try again another time.