Saturday 23 January 2016

BBQ at Norman and Lynda's house

After swimming we turned on the grill and ate all sorts of goodies. Liz's family joined us and we got a chance to get to know them better. It was a lovely day with some wonderful company and views of the harbour.

Friday 22 January 2016

Pool time in Double Bay

Auntie Leah invited us over to Double Bay for a swim and a BBQ. MV and SV were both very excited at the prospect of going for a swim in a heated pool. SV used the floating ring for a while although she eventually went out to let MV have a go. SV enjoyed swimming with Uncle Adam for a while before getting out. MV had so much fun that she didn't want to get out.

Thursday 21 January 2016

Auntie Liz's pre wedding event

We went to a Newtown pub to meet Auntie Liz and her family as a pre-wedding event. Auntie Leah and Uncle Adam came too and as always we had a great time. The kids were on good behaviour and seemed to enjoy it. That's despite some silly rules that the pub had which really limited what we could do. Afterwards everyone came out to our house for a nightcap as we put the two kids to bed.

Wednesday 20 January 2016

The great set up

No, we didn't set anyone up for a fall. But yes, we did set up a few things including the pool and castle. TV worked on getting our pool inflated (an electric pump is certainly a worthy investment) the ladies assembled the princess castle inside. MV sort of wandered backwards and forwards seeing what she could do to 'help'. SV mostly supervised and insured all construction was on schedule and under budget.

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Auntie Liz and Leah come over

Our first house guests came over and who better than Auntie Leah and Auntie Liz. It was the first time that Auntie Liz met MV. Both Aunties were surprised at how mobile and vocal she is considering her age. After Leah and Liz left, both MV and SV had worked up an appetite and ended up having a great dinner.

Monday 18 January 2016

Drawing and assembling

SV started the day drawing on her new whiteboard and blackboard stand. She is really appreciating having a big surface and to be able to sit at it. After lunch SV and TV got started assembling her xmas present, Rapunzel's lego tower. SV did really well and managed to build the entire first floor. MV in the meanwhile started disassembling TV's wallet. A favourite pastime of the baby Vaclavek's.

Sunday 17 January 2016

A day in the new house

The kids are starting to enjoy the new house with it's extra space. Having said that we usually all end up in the same room and often in the same space like the big bed. There are a lot of things to explore though and both SV and MV are certainly exploring.