Saturday 17 June 2017

Cut out portraits

At the zoo we found quite a few photo opportunities at the zoo. The girls insisted on taking photos at each of them.

Friday 16 June 2017

KT's birthday gifts

We had a little celebration for Kt on account of her birthday. The kids were really excited, including singing her a birthday song and giving her lots of hugs.

Thursday 15 June 2017

River trail ride

We went to the river to go for a ride along the bike trail. MV enjoyed riding her seat on TV's bike. SV though was very happy to ride her bike and learn path etiquette. We had a nice ride to a playground where the girls played and pushed their abilities. After a snack we rode back.

Wednesday 14 June 2017

KT brings pressies

KT came home safely and we were very happy to have her back. She brought some fun pressies back with her and the girls were very excited to try them out. The panda proved to be quite popular and led to a few disagreements. We are trying to use it as a lesson in sharing though.

Tuesday 13 June 2017

Leading artist

SV looked like a lady of distinction, and so it was quite fitting that she was showing MV how to draw. They both had fun and SV enjoyed being able to teach MV. Of course it helped that MV was a good pupil.

Monday 12 June 2017

Bunny play time

MV and Setsuna were playing in the backyard together and having a wonderful time. MV is usually very gentle and loving with Setsuna. Setsuna is also very patient with MV, and they get along nicely. If she could MV would love to put her in the pram like one of her babies. Luckily she knows that's not going to happen and is happy to play with her other toys.

Sunday 11 June 2017

Working from home

With KT away, TV worked from home with MV. They got heaps done once they set up a work station in the dining area. MV was quite happy to work on her laptop alongside TV. It was fun for TV to have a little buddy to work with and share morning tea.