Saturday 14 June 2014

Pink bunny

This little pink bunny was jumping on the bed while we were dealing with suitcases. Unfortunately the outfit was too small and we were forced to return it. It was cute while it lasted.

Friday 13 June 2014

Cooking in the bath

Perhaps SV has seen one too many episodes of Seinfeld what with her cooking in the bath.

Thursday 12 June 2014

Beach time

SV got a new beach hat which covers her neck and can get wet. She liked it but the wind kept blowing it off. In any case we are enjoying ourselves and getting some good rest.

Almost ready for bed

After school SV got home and was completely exhausted. She just sat down on the couch and covered up with her blanket. We let her watch a bit of TV as well just to avoid any meltdowns.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Pub party

One of our friends is getting married back in the UK and another is moving away so they decided to throw a bit of a party. Originally it was meant to be at the park but since the weather has taken a bit of a cool turn it ended up being at a pub managed by another friend. SV was actually quite happy to go, and ended up having a great time. She got to eat some chips and drink juice which gave her energy to dance the afternoon away. 

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Picnic with KT

KT and SV have been enjoying the mild winter weather and have been walking to the bay for picnics. Both have enjoyed them but sometimes SV has a bit too much fun and is too tired to do anything but ride home in the pram. 

Monday 9 June 2014

Some days...

Most of the time SV is really well behaved at restaurants.

Then there are meals like this.

Sunday 8 June 2014

Flying to the coast

The Sunshine Coast that is. A quick holiday to get out of Sydney and have done uninterrupted family time.

Bus stop woes

It seems that the bus is always there when you don't need it, but as SV found out when you do need it, it's nowhere to be found. She didn't mind as she caught up on Korean Pop news at the stop. She wanted to make sure to finish her article on the bus despite TV reading over her shoulder.