Saturday 17 November 2012

Spotty pig tails

It was a warm day and SV had a dress and pig tails (we are finding it hard not to fix up her hair) to stay cool. She walked around the house, reading KT's diary, eating a peanut butter flat bread and reading books with TV. Overall it was a good day.

Friday 16 November 2012

Playing with her car pusher

SV really enjoys walking now that she has gotten off to such a good start. She has learned that when we put her shoes on, she will go outside and walk so now she starts trying to help put her socks and shoes on to expedite the process. Once outside she was helping us clean the garage as by playing with her push car toy. Sometimes she tries to give it a service and flips it on it's side to check the undercarriage.

Thursday 15 November 2012


SV has developed a taste for corn, and right now the corn has been excellent. She has an interesting palate, she really likes the expensive foods like seafood and fresh foods. She can taste when something is a left over or even slightly old tasting and she really doesn't want it. Of course, home made baby pizza is ok even second day.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Turquoise tunic

SV wore her turquoise tunic and stripey tights. She finally let us put things in her hair and make little pig tails, but not before pulling out all the other hair accessories. In the last photograph she is sitting like a lady, good to see she is willing to learn.

Monday 12 November 2012

Halloween is still my favourite holiday

SV (or maybe her parents) really likes Halloween and to try on various outfits including this watermelon number from Singapore. The stripey tights are from Hong Kong, the hair clips in the second photograph are from Australia and the card is from the US (thank you Eric and Cheryl). Apparently this baby is an international child sourcing her goods from around the globe.

Sunday 11 November 2012

Grrr, chicken

We were trying to give SV nice little pieces of chicken that we had cut up for her, and she ate a little bit of it. But after dinner she pointed at this drumstick, so we though as a laugh let's give it to her. We forgot how voracious of a carnivore she can be. It's safe to say she enjoyed it.