Saturday 1 September 2012

On a walk

Walking down the street SV likes to sit up in the pram to get a good view. When she gets too tired she simply slumps back for a rest. What a life!

Baby cupcake

SV is sporting a fun cupcake hat. Well, the hat was fun for us at least until she started crying about it. Of course that only lasted a few seconds before we managed to distract her with a fun toy for a bit. 

Friday 31 August 2012

Big cheeks

SV was playing with some binoculars on the bed with her hair spiky in the front because she rubbed hummus through it. It was very funny so TV grabbed his wide angle lens to accentuate SV's big cheeks and spiky hair. Then KT came in for a bit of a play and a kiss.

Thursday 30 August 2012


Until this week SV hasn't really liked bananas, but that all changed in a big way. Now she really seems to enjoy munching on the fruit while playing with the peel. Here both KT and Grandma CeCe are helping out while SV partakes in the tasty fruit.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Helping Tati

Since TV helped out at her office, SV decided to help him out with his work by reading through his pedestrian level of service charts. She found it quite fascinating especially because they were laminated (she enjoys laminated papers) and had colourful pictures on them.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Office helper

SV was getting overwhelmed in her office so she decided to hire a new employee to help share the load. Unfortunately she could only pay peanuts, and consequently got a monkey.

Monday 27 August 2012

Steamed buns and soy bean dinner

We made some steamed Chinese buns for dinner along with Japanese soy beans. SV really enjoyed the soy beans, even figuring out how to get them out of their pods on her own. She put her new teeth to good use getting the beans out and then crunching them up.

Sunday 26 August 2012

Sleepy Tiny Toddler

That little SV is now really a Tiny Toddler. We fondly remember her as a Tiny Baby and how she used to sleep. This photograph harks us back to those days to some extent.