Saturday 19 June 2021

MV's first sports carnival

 TV got to go watch MV take part in her first sports carnival. There were five activities which all of the kids participated in. They did running races, a game called 'Rob the nest', sack races, keeping the ball in the parachute, and egg and spoon races. MV assured us that the egg and spoon race was the most fun.

Friday 18 June 2021

On the trails

 Once the girls got out on the trails they had a good time even though it was a bit of a challenge. They started on a small loop with bumps. When they were ready they went on a trail which was a bit more challenging and included a bump over a fallen tree. They were a bit scared but made it over with no problems.

Thursday 17 June 2021

Going mountain biking

 TV took our three kids plus a friend west to ride some mountain bike trails. There is a really nicely managed trail system which is good for kids to learn on. Of course with this many little ones it takes a fair amount of time to actually get kitted up and ready to ride. They were all quite keen though.

Wednesday 16 June 2021

Dance and more dance

 The girls wanted to do a bit of dancing so they played the dancing game on the video game system. They had fun for a while and then went off to play other things. It kept them active though which was good.

Tuesday 15 June 2021

Going to the movies and beyond

 We got a bit too early to the theater, so we wandered through the lego shop for a bit. We got lucky with the theater as the seats were really nice big recliners. They were quite new as well which made them all the more cushy. Afterwards we had a bit of lunch and some bubble teas to finish the day out. Just don't ask as to explain EV's grumpy face or why SV was eating tacos pout of a napkin, they just did.

Monday 14 June 2021

KT's birthday gifts

 On KT's actual birthday we gave her our family gifts to make sure she was properly celebrated. She got to stay in her soft clothes and relax as much as possible with three kids. Each of the kids made her a card and SV found a great book which KT really liked.

Sunday 13 June 2021

The frog and other stories

 There was a frog in our living room who ended up turning into a princess. There was also a bus accident which EV bravely investigated and cleared away. Wonder girl also made a brief appearance to work on some colouring before zooming off to other activities. Pretty busy for a quiet morning.