Saturday 2 January 2021

Christmas dinner 2020

 We had a rather light hearted dinner this year after what proved to be quite a serious year. The only one that was almost entirely dignified throughout the dinner was EV who was taking the whole thing quite seriously. The rest of us needed to be a bit silly and just enjoy dinner.

Friday 1 January 2021

Little yogis at work

The girls enjoy a bit of morning yoga, in particular MV. The other two do it on and off but MV usually does almost the entire program. Does her some good as well because she is calmer on the days that she does yoga.

Thursday 31 December 2020

Building the 2020 gingerbread house

All three girls worked quite diligently on building the gingerbread house this year. Eventually though the younger two got a bit bored and moved on to other activities while SV and KT finished the house. It was a great effort with lots of detailed embelishments added.

Wednesday 30 December 2020

The camper and the whiteboard

SV was really enjoying making up a camping adventure story for her dolls which MV participated for some time. Eventually she got bored and went to give the whiteboard a workout. Actually they use the whiteboard all the time, and even TV has been known to use it in his work meetings sometimes.

Tuesday 29 December 2020

Demolition park

 We went to a new park which seems to have been built from part of buildings that were knocked down to build a new road. The girls all really enjoyed the park though as they got to climb all over everything and find different ways to go. TV was really impressed at how clever they were at finding different ways to get around and how skilled they were at finding hand holds wherever they needed them.

Monday 28 December 2020

Medusa transformation

SV underwent the Medusa transformation. Well, actually she just had curlers in her hair and then took them out, but it doesn't sound as impressive. She thought it was funny to make Medusa faces though.