Saturday 11 January 2020

Building the ginger bread house again

MV and SV were really keen to build a ginger bread house this year. It is the first year that MV was really able to participate and actually build some of it. SV was still excited to do it as well. EV was keen to help out as well but her participation was somewhat restricted. They still had fun though.

Friday 10 January 2020

New bubble maker

The girls were in the backyard playing with their new bubble maker but Setsuna was not having any of it. In fact she was a bit irritated since that is usually her time to run around in the yard. The girls had fun though and came back inside covered in bubble liquid as they shot bubbles at each other.

Thursday 9 January 2020

SV's last day of year 2

As we look back on SV's school year, she has come a really long way. She is now reading young adult books, knows fractions and decimals, is playing the violin, and helping her classmates out just to name a few achievements. We are very proud of her and what she has achieved. Below is a start and end of school photograph to show how much she has grown as well.

Wednesday 8 January 2020

2019 Xmas decorating

This year we all got into decorating the house for Xmas. We started with the outside and then moved inside. It was quite fun as we had plenty of time and no stress. We all contributed, even EV who was in charge of the non-breakable ornaments which went on the lower branches. We think the tree ended up looking quite good as a result.

Tuesday 7 January 2020

Child care Xmas party for 2019

This year both EV and MV had a great time with the Xmas party at child care. SV came along too as did other older siblings and she also had fun. TV and EV spent most of the party hanging out at the jumping castle though and playing outside.

Monday 6 January 2020

SV gets a school award

Before going to see SV get an award, EV was happy to climb around in TV's chair. She made sure to take advantage of the swivel feature. At the school assembly SV's entire class did a song before the awards were handed out. SV got an award for 'Commitment to Learning & Being an Outstanding Role Model' which compiments her citizenship award from last year very nicely. There were three other kids who got awards as well including SV's friend Sadie.

Sunday 5 January 2020

MV's childcare graduation

It has come way too fast, but MV has graduated from her childcare. She was one of three that finished this year and she was super excited. There was a slideshow showing the kids over the years at the centre as they grew up. Then the kids did a bit of a song and dance. Then they were presented with a great present from the centre before enjoying some cake. MV was very good and not shy at all. She is certainly ready for kindy.