Saturday 9 March 2019

Moving on from Europe

We got on the plane in Vienna and sat there for a while. There was a bit of a snow storm starting up and as a precaution all of the planes were going through de-icing. That made us a bit late into Switzerland, but it wasn't a problem as a much heavier storm there made all the planes even more late. It was quite the storm since it made the normally efficient Swiss airport run quite late. Luckily we had a nice hot lunch in the lounge watching the snow falling outside. MV was disappointed as she wanted to be outside in the snow as well.

Friday 8 March 2019

Slovakia to Vienna

After a wonderful couple of days in Slovakia and Hungary it was time for us to move on. We had one more small walk in the snow before we headed to Vienna. Once there we went the night before to check into our flight and check out the airport. Eventually we walked back to our hotel which had an underground connection to the terminal which was handy as it was starting to snow and get cold again.

Thursday 7 March 2019

One more snow visit

We had to make one more visit. We came last time to see the graves of the Stara Tura family. It was rather appropriate with the snow and wind. We cleaned off all the graves and took a few photographs while TV explained who everyone was and a little bit about them. The girls were really sweet and curious.

Wednesday 6 March 2019

Playing in the snow with Auntie Andula

We came back out to play in the snow some more and Auntie Andula came too. The girls had most of the playground to themselves until a bit later when it stopped snowing. A few kids came out after that but we were having a great time. The girls had a great snowball fight with their Auntie. They took a quick break though to sit with a cool little friend before we had to head home.

Tuesday 5 March 2019

Snow play in transit

We were on our way to see Auntie Andula but the snow was just too tempting.We stopped to have a bit of a play and then it started snowing even more. The babo didn't seem to mind the snow too much, especially once she had her clear shield. The kids had a quick play on the playground before we headed on.

Monday 4 March 2019

Babo time

Babo is enjoying her time with everyone, especially when she is getting cuddles. She is certainly not afraid of people and really enjoys the attention. Seems like everyone enjoys a cuddle with her as well.

Sunday 3 March 2019

Playing in the snow Stara Tura style

On our return to Stara Tura we got to have a bit more snow. So of course we had to go out and play in it. Apparently tasting the snow was something to do, whether that was straight from the sky or fresh off the ground. Eventually we made it down to the city where coffee and hot chocolates were enjoyed.