Saturday 18 April 2020

Walk and coding

The little people went off on a walk to get a bit of fresh air and spend some of the energy they had. EV was more than happy to go out and got a bit annoyed with all the photos as they were slowing her down. MV was ready to go as well. SV meanwhile worked on coding a game using some visual programing. It was good to see her working through the problems and getting a working game at the end.

Friday 17 April 2020

Finishing off the train

TV finished off the Emerald Express train project with a bit of help from MV. Meanwhile SV started a new building project, a pet shop. It was really nice to have time to work on the projects together.

Thursday 16 April 2020

Packing peanuts and boxes going strong

Still playing with the packing peanuts and boxes. Even after all these days they are still finding new ways to play with these. It's great actually.

Wednesday 15 April 2020

Studying hard

Each of the girls was working hard on their studies. MV was copying and practicing her sight words. SV was working on her spelling activity sheets. EV was working on her shapes on the baby laptop toy. All worked quite hard and seemed to be learning.

Tuesday 14 April 2020

Playing with playdoh

EV and MV got the playdoh out and started working with it. EV was a bit surprised that she was given free reign to do what she liked with it and squish it around as much as she liked. MV made some interesting things as she practiced using the various tools and accessories. They were both quite satisfied with the results, particularly since they had minimal supervision and just got to focus on their own work.

Monday 13 April 2020

Building and playing

EV is really starting to build and play with legos now. She built a train and then choo chooed all around the downstairs with it. She is learning about how it works and the different things she can do with the bricks. Of course playing in the most dangerous ways is still the most fun, like at the top of the stairs.

Sunday 12 April 2020

Daily exercise

Luckily we are still allowed to go out for some daily exercise. It would be a real challenge if we didn't have a back yard and the ability to take them out for a run. The girls just have so much energy and they are used to being active, so going out for a walk, run or ride is essential. They study and sleep much better after as well.