Saturday 14 July 2018

A museum walk

Despite the light rain we ventured out into the city, not very far mind you, ending up at the museum. We tend to go there a fair amount, but this time we visited different exhibits. The stick insects proved to be a particular hit this time around.

Friday 13 July 2018

KT's birthday get away

A getaway into the CBD that is. We revisited our favourite hotel in the city and had a really nice room. We all contributed to making it a bit more special for KT's birthday and she was quite happy. We even managed to have a family dinner and drink in the hotel restaurant. Getting a bit silly and yet classy.

Thursday 12 July 2018

Princesses and make up

Some days being a princess with make up is all that is needed. That and your sister princess.

Wednesday 11 July 2018

Robin of Leichhardt

Ever since our last trip to Slovakia SV has enjoyed archery and has mentioned a couple of times taking it up. TV took her to a club but unfortunately she was a bit too small to start training, so we finally get her a bow. She was initially hesitant and a bit scared of it since it was a bit more real than last time. Very quickly she got used to it and improved. It also helped having a litlle fairy helping her pick up her arrows after she fully used up her quiver.

Tuesday 10 July 2018

Wrapping up at the Biannale

We had a lovely lunch before looking at a few more things. The girls played a bit of giant chess before we headed to the ferry.

Monday 9 July 2018

More from Biannale 2018

We saw quite a bit of art, but the girls also posed to become human art. There were a few funny faces made and some sassiness too. Just before lunch there was also an opportunity for them to play shop in a play area.