Saturday 19 August 2023

Art and performance

 TV went to the school as SV was doing a choir performance. It was great to hear her perform despite a bit of noise from the crowd, particularly as we couldn't get tickets for her previous performance. As we walked up to hear SV sing we also got to see some of the art work both her and MV did. It was great to see it all.

Friday 18 August 2023

Silly hat day

 The girls had a silly hat day fundraiser day and made sure that Setsuna was included too. This year they went miniature hats rather than the usual elaborate or wild hats. They had just as much fun and giggled all the way to school about it.

Thursday 17 August 2023

Bidding KT au revoir

 KT is off to Europe to go to Auntie Naomi's wedding. We dropped her off at the airport and we stopped in for a drive thru breaky to improve moral. In the evening we went to our local Czech restaurant for some comfort food and to have a little taste of Europe ourselves.

Wednesday 16 August 2023

EV at Gymbaroo

 EV has been really enjoying going to Gymbaroo where she has been working on her movement skills. She has been doing really well and her body awareness has improved drastically.

Tuesday 15 August 2023

Going to a World Cup match

 We took EV to a Women's Wold Cup match here in Sydney. It was so exciting to go watch a match and being so close to the action. The atmosphere was fantastic on such a lovely day and it was great to see a world class match. EV got a little bit bored at times, but still had a great time. 

Monday 14 August 2023

Riding, skating and kicking

 We went to the big car park so that the girls could safely ride and skate in an open space. MV was quite determined to get the hang of roller skating. She managed well without too many falls. After riding around for a while EV and MV started kicking the ball around with MV providing commentary and tips. Before we left they ended up having a couple of races across the car park before they were finally worn out.

Sunday 13 August 2023

Rupert's party

 EV got to go to her friend Rupert's birthday party. She refused to go on the gocarts though despite all of her friends going. In fact she was feeling really shy the entire party. In the end she enjoy riding the arcade motorcycle and the Mario Cart arcade game. She had a good time just being around her friends and doing something a bit different despite not getting into the action herself.