Saturday 21 June 2014

Waterside lunch

Caloundra has a number of waterside cafes serving meals next to the beach. We chose one at random and we were not disappointed with the view, food and service. Due to the wind we found a more sheltered table but it still had a view. We all enjoyed the food and SV got her babycino straight away which got her appetite going making for a good meal with great behaviour.

Friday 20 June 2014

Hotel playground

Our hotel was quite family friendly and included a playground. SV really enjoyed it because it was designed for about her age. She could climb all around it and have fun without being too limited. She had a good time once she got to go down and play on it, although she appeared to be slightly annoyed by having to wait for KT.

Thursday 19 June 2014

Balcony breakfast

At home we don't have a balcony so naturally we were all very keen to take advantage of this one which was particularly inviting for a relaxed breakfast. After doing some early craftwork SV was quite ready for a breakfast. She was pleasantly surprised with her pink straw which we let her sip her milk with. After breakfast KT did her own art while SV watched. It becomes quite clear where SV gets her focus and deep concentration while doing art. 

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Arriving in the sunshine

This marks the first of our Sunshine Coast trip posts. The primary reason for this trip was for us to rest and take it easy so there aren't too many death-defying type posts on this trip.

When we arrived at the Sunshine Coast we did a bit of food shopping before heading to the hotel. While TV and KT unpacked, SV got busy making necklaces out of pasta and pipe cleaners. Then she decided it was chilly and wanted to wear KT's socks and watch a show. She didn't want to take off her socks as we went out for dinner, so we just put a hat and scarf over the top. She looked a bit funny but was quite cheerful.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Combining media

SV is progressing in her artability. She is now using multiple media in her works. She still likes to make a mess though.

Monday 16 June 2014

Bunny down

Continuing the bunny theme of the last couple of days, this bunny was not going to make it. She took the last of her energy to get her teeth brushed before collapsing into her bed.

Sunday 15 June 2014

White bunny

White rabbit is a replacement for the pink rabbit. Luckily this version has some room to grow into it. SV likes this version just as much as the other, possibly even more once she discovered the handy pockets.