Saturday 11 June 2016

Going to school

As it's getting a bit cooler the girls are getting more and more bundled up in the mornings for the trip in. They had some serious attitude in the photographs but were generally good natured the rest of the time.

Friday 10 June 2016

Working from home

TV had an opportunity to work from home one day. It was really nice to have a day with MV while SV went to school. MV played very nicely but she was very happy to see SV when she got home. She couldn't wait to give her hugs and kisses. It was very sweet.

Thursday 9 June 2016

Gymnastics in the hall

SV was a bit tired, but MV has been sleeping better and so has had more energy. She was using SV as a bit of gym equipment to train on. SV didn't seem to mind.

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Cycle gang

MV and SV have now formed a cycle gang. One is on her bicycle and the other on her tricycle. Both are having a good time though. In the meantime TV has to coral both of them. It's really good to see them making such strides in their physical abilities and having fun doing it.

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Cleaning the yard

We started out sweeping the backyard. MV was supervising in her vest, but soon it was time for SV to take her break. She went inside and listened to her music for fun.

Monday 6 June 2016

Yogurt time

Both SV and now MV really enjoy having yogurt pre-breakfast to get going in the morning. It's really great because it means we can take a little bit longer to actually serve breakfast. It also works really well on the bus when we take them to school. Plus they really seem to enjoy it.

Sunday 5 June 2016

Heading home

After the museum we headed home but SV wanted to stop in to see St Mary's Cathedral. We had a quick sticky beak and to admire all the finery on the inside. SV really enjoyed it and was curious about the architecture and various items. When we got home TV quickly whipped up a dinner which disappeared just as quickly. It was a full on day and we all slept soundly.