On our way to the east coast of Tasmania we made a pit stop at a cheese factory, chocolate factory, and a raspberry farm. The first photo is of the cheese aging room at the factory, mmmm cheeeeeese. Then there is a raspberry orchard and proof that KT does drive sometimes. We then reached the eastern city of St. Helens where we enjoyed the beautiful white beach, blue water, and rust colored rocks. From St. Helen we went south along the coast and stopped for a lunch of fresh oysters and a glass of wine with another great view. After lunch we drove a little further and went on a short one hour hike to the Wine Glass Bay lookout where KT decided to interact with the local rocks. There are two shots of the spectacular colors of the bay itself set against the trees and mountains. On the way back from the lookout KT decided to take a break and take in some sun. Our last day we came back to Hobbart and visited the convict Women's Factory which housed most of the women prisoners during the years of transportation. Our last stop on our tour was at the Cascade Brewery to see the beer making process, and of course free samples. Arguably the best part of the holiday. It was interesting to see the contrast between the original building and gardens, and the modern bottling plant with it's robotic arm doing keg lifts and the line of bottles being prepared for packaging. Overall it was another successful holiday in which we managed to stumble across tons of interesting sights, sometimes completely by accident. We ended up driving around 1600 kms or about 1000 miles in the week we were there.
The dark photo from the last entry was of a penguin that we saw. He wasn't the only one, but he was the only one we managed to take a photo of, although not a particularly good photo.