Saturday 11 July 2020

Getting ready for SV's first soccer match

We got ready and all pilled into the car to take SV to her very first proper soccer match. She was a bit nervous but was also excited. The fact that we all went along helped as she felt supported. Once at the pitch that all fell away and she got right into it as Coach Dave gave some instructions. EV and MV meanwhile played with one of the spare balls and enjoyed themselves. Just before the match they both settled into some chairs to eat snacks and commentate. SV and the rest of her team got a last minute team photograph to mark the special moment as most of the team had never played before.

Friday 10 July 2020

Post beach exhaustion

Once we came home the girls had an early bath to warm up and then curled up on the couch exhausted. The sun, wind and waves really took it out of them. It was a happy exhaustion though, with a sense of accomplishment.

Thursday 9 July 2020

Wintry ice cream

After coming away from the beach the girls really wanted to have some ice cream. They put on all of their clothese to stay warm and enjoy their ice cream. The adults in the meantime had a mix of warm beverages and ice cream. Everyone really enjoyed their treats though.

Wednesday 8 July 2020

Winter beach day

Despite being winter, it was a nice day at the beach. SV and MV both played in the water, with MV even having a bit of a dip in the waves. SV was quite focused on building a sand spire. EV was not terribly keen of the sand or the waves for that matter.

Tuesday 7 July 2020

Manly pub time

After several months we finally caught up with Auntie Leah and Aunti Liz. We met for an early lunch and a couple of beers. It was so good to see our friends again and just have a chat. The girls also enjoyed themselves. At first they played games, but eventually they too joined the conversation and by the end were crawling all over their Aunties playing with them.

Monday 6 July 2020

Lego time

The girls got a lego airport to work on and they put their skills together to start building. They each worked on a part and brought it together at the end. EV may or may not have helped as much but she certainly had no less fun.

Sunday 5 July 2020

Tired babo

EV looked very cute in her pyjamas but she was so very tired. She didn't wantto get her photo taken, but then MV came in and cheered her up a bit.