Saturday 25 May 2024

Hopping on and off the bus

 We did a hop on hop off bus through Barcelona to get situated and to quickly get access to some of the sights. Turned out that the bus wasn't quite as convenient for the sights, but it was fun anyway as we got ot look at the various architectural styles of the interesting buildings. We all experienced the bus tour differently with TV capturing everyone's portraits throughout.

Friday 24 May 2024

Hello Barcelona

 We have certainly missed you Barcelona, and you have changed. We were meant to visit in 2020 but of course a certain virus made sure that didn't happen, but we finally made it. We felt instantly comfortable being back in this great city and our apartment was well located. The girls made themselves right at home as did we. We went out to get some food and it was so nice walking through the streets in the evening.

Thursday 23 May 2024

Saying farewell to the riad and Morocco

 Sadly it was time to say farewell to Marrakech and Morocco as we made our way to Barcelona. We got to spend a bit more time at the riad where the girls played chess while we finished packing. It was a fitting end to this part of the trip.

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Walking back through the market

 We walked through the markets to the riad but we made a few stops along the way. The market is just too inticing not to stop. When we got back to the riad the girls were really enjoying their henna and wanted some portraits showing off their hands. They were quite pleased.

Tuesday 21 May 2024

Getting henna in the market

 The girls were really keen to get henna tattoos on their hands so after lunch we went back to the markets and they got to have it done. They were all quite excited at the prospect and held really still. The lady who did it was very nice and cheerful, and they all enjoyed the experience. 

Monday 20 May 2024

Visiting Badi Palace

 After we had a lovely breakfast at our Riyad we went to the Badi Palace to have a look around. It is known for its colony of storks which nest in the higher parts of the palace which is being restored partially. We enjoyed walking around the massive ground but we soon got hungry and had to go find some lunch.

Sunday 19 May 2024

Going out in Marrakech

 Ali invited us out to dinner after we were back in Marrakech despite the tour being technically over. It was really nice of him as he also gave each of the girls a little souvenir to remember him by. We got to see the less touristy parts of the city as well as the expensive part of town. It was really fun to be able to talk to Ali without him having to be 'the guide' and just be informal.