Friday 18 October 2024

Going up the tower

 We walked from Trocadero across the Seine and to the Eiffel Tower. The tower now has a ridiculous amount of security and huge crowds, gone are the days of being able to walk underneath it and look up from the base. Luckily we booked tickets early and left plenty of time to get through security. We then took the lift up the tower. Most of us were excited but SV was very nervous about going so high up.

Thursday 17 October 2024

The Eiffel Tower from Esplanade du Trocadero

 We took the metro from our home to Esplanade du Trocadero to get the traditional view of the Eiffel Tower from the other side of the Seine. There were a couple of gentlemen selling various trinkets and one started having the girls pose for with the tower. We ended up buying a few things from him because he worked hard to get some fun photographs. The girls really enjoyed the views and it was generally quite pleasant to just be out there and really feel like it was Paris.

Wednesday 16 October 2024

MV's birthday

 MV was very excited about celebrating her birthday in Paris, a city she had wanted to go to for quite some tme. We got her a few presents which she opened in the morning because we had a big day full of fun planned for her. She was really excited because we got her a necklace at Studio Ghibli Park which she really wanted but didn't get at the time. Getting it now was so exciting and she really appreciated it.

Tuesday 15 October 2024

Wrapping up at Euro Disney

 As the evening approached we went on a couple of the classic rides like Star Tours and the Runaway Train before we headed home. It was a long day but the Runaway Trtain was the best ride and we chose to end the visit with that. We were all satisfied and happy to head home after that, which is the best way to end a day like that.

Monday 14 October 2024

Some more from Disney

 We went around on more rides but made a bit of a mistake. We got in the queue for Autopis thinking it would be under an hour and it ended up being almost two hours for what amounted to less than a minute of a ride. We did not love that. It turned out that it was the pivotal moment which broke the Disneyland spell for the kids. 

Sunday 13 October 2024

More Euro Disney

 We continued to explore the park and go on some more of the rides. EV was a bit small for some of them so her and TV made their own fun. The two older ones certainly enjoyed the roller coasters though. We all got to go on It's a Small World and talked throughout about the places we have already visited and places we would yet to go. It was fun.